Title : Acorn Computers, Vision for the Future Publisher : Acorn Computers Limited Language : English Year : 1992 Subject : Acorn A3000, A3010, A3020, A4000, A5000, A540, A4, R260 More information about these Acorn systems can be found at Wikipedia
Philips Personal Monitor
Title : Wilt u weten hoe briljant een computer kant zijn ? Sluit hem dan aan op een Philips personal monitor Publisher : Philips Language : Dutch Year : 198? Subject : Philips monitors CM 8500/8510/8524/8533, BM 7502/7522/7542/7552/7513, 22 AV 7200, 22 AV 7300 A […]
Zenith Z-159 Enhanced Desktop PC System
Title : Zenith Z-159 Enhanced Desktop PC System.The fully-featured IBM PC-compatible with 16-bit speed, expansion capability and two video display options Publisher : Zenith Data Systems Corporation Language : English Year : 1989 Subject : Zenith Z-159 Enhanced Desktop PC System (Model 2, 3, 12 […]
Atari 1040 STE
Title : Atari STE Publisher : Atari Benelux B.V. Language : Dutch Year : September 1989 Subject : Atari 1040 STE More information can be found here
Goldstar 1460 Plus/SSI / 1465 SSI
Title : Goldstar Publisher : Kaiser Language : English Year : Unknown Subject : Goldstar 1460 Plus/SSI / 1465 SSI You can read a review of the 1460 here
Psion Series 3
This time a whole bunch of brochures and extra on one system Title : Informatie Psion Series 3. ‘s Werelds beste organiser Publisher : Psion Nederland B.V. Language : Dutch Year : 1995 Subject : Psion Series 3/3a Title : Ongetwijfeld de krachtigste palmtop computer […]
IBM MD 3125A Rewritable Optical Disk Drive
Title : IBM 3.5-inch Rewritable Optical Disk Drive and Cartridges Publisher : IBM Language : English Year : Unknown Subject : IBM MD 3125A Rewritable Optical Disk Drive
BASF 7/80 Central processor unit
Title : BASF 7/80 Central processor unit Publisher : BASF United Kingdom Limited Language : English Year : 1980 Subject : BASF 7/80 Central processor unit Some information about BASF uk can be found here I was unable to find any more information about this […]
Friden Acy
Title : New. Speed, versatility for your everyday figuring… from Friden Publisher : Friden, Inc. Language : English Year : Unknown Subject : Friden Acy You can find some more information on the Acy and other models here
GVP Immer Eine Karte Voraus
Title : GVP Immer Eine Karte Voraus Publisher : DTM Computersysteme Language : German Year : Somewhere between 1992 and 1995 Subject : A3050, A2000 Serie II-Turboboard, A2000 Serie II SCSI-Hardcard, Impact Vision 24, Serie II A500 HD+ You can find much more information on […]
Raidtec FlexArray
Title : FlexArray Publisher : Raidtec Corporation Language : English Year : Unknown Subject : Raidtec Flexarray
SCSI By Adaptec Enables Powerful PC Applications
Title : SCSI By Adaptec Enables Powerful PC Applications Publisher : Adaptec Language : English Year : 1992 Subject : Adaptec AHA-1510, AHA-1522, AHA-1542, AHA-1640, AHA-1742, SCSI Master Plus, SCSI Direction Plus, SCSI Backup, MultiMedia Connection You can more information about Adaptec on wikipedia
Nieuw. De Atari PC
Title : Nieuw. De Atari PC Publisher : Atari Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : Atari PC You can find some more information here
Burroughs E 4000
Title : Burroughs E 4000 Computer Direct Informatie Verwerkend Systeem Publisher : Burroughs Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : E 4210, E 4260, E 4290 You can find some more information on the Wikipedia page for Burroughs
Twinhead SuperNote
Title : SuperNote. The new shape of computing. Publisher : Twinhead Language : English Year : Unknown Subject : Twinhead SuperNote
Friden Flexowriter
Title : Friden Flexowriter. Hoeksteen van de automatisering. Publisher : Friden verkoopmaatschappij Nederland N.V. Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : Friden programatic flexowriter, selectadata, friden-tradan More information can be found on Wikipedia
Met videotex kan het
Title : Een wereld van mogelijkheden. Met videotex kan het Publisher : Videotex Nederland N.V. Language : Dutch Year : 1991 Subject : Videotex Meer nederlandtalig informatie kan hier gevonden worden
SyDOS Marlin 105i
Title : Marlin 105i. SyDOS 105MB Internal 3.5″ Removable Cartridge Drivers Publisher : SyDOS. A division of SyQuest Technology Language : English Year : +/-1993 Subject : SyDOS Marlin 105i A little bit of information about a controller card supporting the Marlin 105i can be […]
Olivetti ETV 300
Title : Olivetti ETV 300. Van elektronische schrijfmachine naar tekstverwerkingssysteem Publisher : Olivetti Language : Dutch Year : 1983 Subject : Olivetti ETV 300 There is a thread on VCF with some information on the Olivetti ETV 300, see here.
Een Philips PC werkt aanstekelijk
Title : Een Philips PC werkt aanstekelijk. New Media System een stap vooruit Publisher : n.v. Philips Consumer Products Language : Dutch Year : 1990 Subject : P2120, P2230, P3120, P3230, P3345, P3360, LTP 3230, NMS 1146, NMS 1116/1117, NMS 1268, 3 CM 9609, BM […]
Title : MC68000. Break away from the past Publisher : Motorola Semiconductors Language : English Year : 1979 or early 1980’s Subject : MC68000, EXORciser, MACSBUG, Pascal, MC6801, MC68701, MC6805, MC6809 You can find much more information on the the Motorola MC68000 on Wikipedia
System Pack
Title : System Pack. Het krachtigste netwerk… met eenvoud als extra troef !!! Publisher : Sorinfa Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : System pack network Not much information available online, if you know of any, please do let me know.
Nokia PC
Title : Nokia PC, Professional Computer Publisher : Nokia Data / Nokia Electronics, Data Terminal Systems Language : English Year : 198? Subject : Nokia PC This PC go the iF Design award in 1983, see the website of if Design
Nokia PC Display
Title : This has caused a sensation. The Nokia PC 71 Hz light, flickerfree display Publisher : Nokia Data Language : English Year : 19?? Subject : Nokia PC Display There seems to be very little information online, if you know of any site talking […]
3Com Etherlink III
Title : Verras uw collega’s deze zomer eens met een kaartje Publisher : A-Line Technologies B.V. Language : Dutch Year : 1994 Subject : 3Com Etherlink III TP and Coax More information can be found on wikipedia