Olivetti DE 520 System

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Olivetti DE 520 System
Click the image to view the “Olivetti DE 520 System” brochure.

Title : Olivetti DE 520 System, A new machine, a 3rd generation input system that takes logic and electronic techniques to the very source of the data it handles
Publisher : Olivetti Nederland B.V.
Language : English
Year : 70’s
Subject : Olivetti DE 520


  1. I started my development work on this model in Czechoslowakia in 1980. At that time it was very difficult to by any devices from the “WEST” so when we had foud a bulgarian magnetic tape which was more or less a copy of the original Wang model I created my own magnetic tape controller for this bulgarian tape recorder. Later I connected 8 simle monitors CM7202 via serial interface and I created software which enables to entering date for 8 operators simultanously using the memory od the CM7202 and and then transfering data do magnetic tape of DE520.

  2. Richard Haas

    This was made in America, in Ann Arbor, MI. And marketed in America as the Sycor 340.It was used in car dealerships and related business, like Chrysler Credit and insurance brokerages.

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