Also included was this card in Dutch and French where you could win a Philips TV when you bought a Philips PC.

Title : Een Philips PC werkt aanstekelijk. New Media System een stap vooruit
Publisher : n.v. Philips Consumer Products
Language : Dutch
Year : 1990
Subject : P2120, P2230, P3120, P3230, P3345, P3360, LTP 3230, NMS 1146, NMS 1116/1117, NMS 1268, 3 CM 9609, BM 7513, CM 8833, 7 BM 713, AV 7300, PM 11211, NMS 1480, NMS 1433, NMS 1439, NMS 1461, NMS 1467
You can find more information on the the Philips PC at Wikipedia