Title : BASF 7/60 Central Processor Publisher : BASF Nederland B.V. Language : English Year : 1981 Subject : BASF 7/60 Central Processor Some information about BASF uk can be found here I was unable to find any more information about this old system so […]
All posts tagged “BASF”
BASF 7/80 Central processor unit
Title : BASF 7/80 Central processor unit Publisher : BASF United Kingdom Limited Language : English Year : 1980 Subject : BASF 7/80 Central processor unit Some information about BASF uk can be found here I was unable to find any more information about this […]
Computer, Januari 1985, Nr.11
Computer, Januari 1985, Nr.11 So this technically isn’t a brochure but I still decided to include it because its a newsletter promoting some systems and close enough (and cool enough so thats probably the biggest reason 🙂 ) Click the image to view the “Computer, […]
MCP’s Diskdrive Programma
Click the image to view the “MCP’s Diskdrive Programma” brochure. Title : MCP’s Diskdrive Programma Publisher : MCP Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : BASF 6102/6104/6106/6108 floppydrives.