All posts tagged “friden

Friden Flexowriter

Title : Friden Flexowriter. Hoeksteen van de automatisering. Publisher : Friden verkoopmaatschappij Nederland N.V. Language : Dutch Year : Unknown Subject : Friden programatic flexowriter, selectadata, friden-tradan More information can be found on Wikipedia

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Punched tape automation with the Friden Add Punch

Click the image to view the “Punched tape automation with the Friden Add Punch” brochure. Title : Punched tape automation with the Friden Add Punch Publisher : Friden Inc. Language : English Year : 19?? Subject : Friden Add-Punch

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Friden Model CTB Computyper

Click the image to view the “Friden Model CTB Computyper” brochure. Title : Friden Model CTB Computyper Publisher : Friden, Inc. Language : English Year : Somewhere between 1958 and 1969 Subject : Model CTB and B-CP Computyper

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