Title : Apricot Publisher : ACT (International) Limited Language : English Year : Probably 1985 Subject : Apricot Point 7, Point 32, F1, Portable
All posts tagged “Portable”
Apricot Portable
Apricot Portable Click the image to view the “Apricot Portable” brochure. Title : Apricot Portable Publisher : ACT (International) Ltd. Language : English Year : November 1984 Subject : Apricot Portable system
Kimball Equipment Brochures
This time not one single brochure but a set of brochures that came in its own original binder from Kimball Equipment. The binder : Below the brochures (click the pictures to view the whole brochures):
Kimball Portable Punch
Click the picture to view the brochure Title : Kimball Portable Punch Publisher : Kimball Language : English Year : 1958? System : Portable Punch
The best way to evaluate a personal computer is to put it to the test
Click the picture to view the brochure Title : The best way to evaluate a personal computer is to put it to the test Publisher : Apple Language : English Year : 1990 Systems : Macintosh Plus, SE, SE/30, Portable, IIcx, IIci and IIfx Featuring […]